Understanding Google AdWords Pay Per Click Keyword Match Types: Exact, Phrase, Broad, and +Modified +Broad

Written by James Svoboda

Keyword Research | Pay Per Click

July 16, 2010

Google AdWords Logo

Yes! It finally happened. Earlier this week, on July 14th, Google AdWords rolled out their new Broad Match Modifier (BMM) keyword matching option to all of their advertisers in the United States. Since BMM had previously only been available to AdWords advertisers in the UK and Canada, it’s release to US campaigns is something that has been eagerly awaited.

Google AdWords New Broad Match Modifier - BMM

When AdWords first announced the new modified broad keyword matching, they released an infographic to help marketers visually understand how BMM works and relates to existing match types. The infographic shows a very small set of examples of keyword matches that you can expect to have your text ads displayed for.

New Pay Per Click Keyword Match Types

After spending a month running and analyzing modified broad match keywords in a few Canadian AdWords campaigns, we developed a few matching techniques and initial bidding strategies that are represented in the following infograph. We feel that this is a better representation of the tiered levels of match type bidding, traffic potential and keyword matching. In particular we have expanded upon the new BMM match types with 3 possible levels of matching that we call: “Anchor Modified Broad Match“, “Dual Anchor Modified Broad Match“, and “Fully Modified Broad Match“.

Google AdWords Pay Per Click Keyword Match Types: Exact, Phrase, Expanded Broad and Modified BMM (Broad Match Modifier)

Google AdWords Pay Per Click Keyword Match Types: Broad, Anchor Modified, Dual Anchor, Full Modified, Phrase and Exact Match.

Understanding Match Types, Targeting and Initial Bidding Strategies

Broad Match: Matching search query only needs to loosely match 1 word of any of the terms contained within your bidded keyword to display your ad.
Targeting & Control: Keyword matching is very loose with a low level of control.
Bidding Strategy: Initial bids should be set at a minimum.

Anchor Modified Broad Match Matching search query must match the designated “anchor” word contained in the bidded keyword to display ad.
Targeting & Control: Limited keyword targeting with minimum level of control.
Bidding Strategy: Initial bids should be low for testing and new keyword discovery.

Dual Anchor Modified Broad Match: Matching search query needs to match the 2 designated “anchor” words contained in your bidded keyword.
Targeting & Control: Selective keyword targeting with a moderate level of control.
Bidding Strategy: Initial bids should be moderate.

Fully Modified Broad Match: Matching search query needs to match all of the designated “anchor” words contained within the bidded keyword.
Targeting & Control: Very good keyword targeting with higher level of control.
Bidding Strategy: Initial bids can be set at a competitive level.

Phrase Match: Matching search query needs to contain within it the entire bidded keyword in the exact order that the words appear.
Targeting & Control: Good keyword targeting with high level of control.
Bidding Strategy: Initial bids can be set at a competitive level.

Exact Match: Matching search query needs to contain the exact bidded keyword and cannot contain additional terms.
Targeting & Control: Exact keyword targeting with high level of control.
Bidding Strategy: Initial bids can be highly competitive.

Test and Analyze
We have analyzed the matching of our own campaigns as they relate to bid levels and match types to develop our initial bidding. These strategies will vary greatly based on 1, 2, 3 and 4+ word keywords and especially how they relate to other match types that are being actively targeted. We encourage you to test and analyze modified broad match on your own campaigns, and or course share any tips or nuances you may encounter.

Google AdWords PPC Keyword Matching: Exact, Phrase, Extended Broad and Modified BMM - Broad Match Modifier (Printable Version)

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Available Versions: (these open in a new tab or window)

  • Standard Printable Version – 792×612
  • Full Version with Tips and Strategies – 1240×637

    Share your broad match modifier and pay per click thoughts.Do you have any Google AdWords Pay Per Click Targeting or Modified Broad Match tips? Feel free to share your thoughts.

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