The Changing Landscape of Paid Search

The Changing Landscape of Paid Search, SMX Advanced 2016 in Seattle

Written by James Svoboda

Conferences and Seminars | Pay Per Click

June 30, 2016

SMX Advanced has long been regarded as the mecca for search engine marketers. Its known for being the source for “advanced” level content and breaking search news. This year I was given the honor of participating in not one session, but two!

James Svoboda Speaking at SMX Advanced 2016 in Seattle

James Svoboda presented at SMX Advanced 2016 in Seattle.

While I was originally there to present for the 9 Billion Ads of Paid Search session, the nice folks at Bing Ads asked me to join their Search Hacks session with some of my favorite PPC people Melissa Mackey and Christi Olson. They podcasted it and I’ll be sharing it with you when I find a copy.

SMX Advanced - 9 Billion Ads of Paid Search

9 Billion Ads of Paid Search session at SMX Advanced 2016.

The venerable Matt Van Wagner moderated the 9 Billion Ads session for which my presentation is titled “The Changing Landscape of Paid Search“. It’s a detailed look at the recent changes in search marketing and how they affect pay per click search ads.

Full Presentation

Here is the full powerpoint presentation from the Thursday June 23rd, 2016 event for you to reference. I hope you enjoy it!

View this presentation or others from James Svoboda or WebRanking on Slideshare.


A few pics…

Special Thanks to Todd, Scott, Alan, Kevin and the rest of the amazing people at SEMpdx for inviting me to dinner!

SEMpdx Dinner at SMX Advanced 2016

SEMpdx Dinner

Seattle really is quite beautiful at night in June.

Seattle Waterfront at Night, June 2016

Seattle Waterfront at Night during SMX Advanced 2016


James Svoboda provides Google AdWords pay per click consulting at WebRankingIf you like this post and want to find others related to it, then you can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter:

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