Microsoft Ads

Capture High Quality Leads
With Microsoft Advertising

What is one thing small businesses and large corporations have in common? They can both jumpstart business growth using PPC advertising. Via Microsoft Advertising (formally Bing Ads), you can place your business front-and-center in search.

Attract the Customers Who Need You the Most With Paid Advertising

Not all leads are created equal. For instance, your website might receive a large number of clicks but deliver zero conversions. If this is you, PPC advertising can help. Through paid advertising, you can target those customers that need you the most. As soon as they find you, they’ll be poised and ready to buy.

Experience a Real ROI

Paid advertising is one of the best and fastest ways to get the most out of your marketing dollars. Not only can you control how much you spend, but you’ll only pay when someone clicks your ad. This enables you to get highly qualified business leads, instead of pointless traffic.

Why Microsoft Ads?

Currently, Bing (Microsoft’s search engine) is the second-most commonly used search engine behind Google. In fact, there are billions of searches completed using Bing each year.

To make the most of PPC advertising, you must look beyond Google to reach your audience. Microsoft Ads offers highly valuable tools to do just that.

One tool, Remarketing in Paid Search, allows you to reconnect with previous visitors to your website. Plus, Microsoft Ads offers a wide range of ad customization options, including:

Device type
Time of day or week
Audience demographics

We can also use Microsoft Ads in conjunction with Google Ads to boost business growth. Microsoft enables us to easily import Google Ads campaigns straight from the platform. This means we can easily test and run your most effective Google ad on Microsoft for added value.

See Data-Driven Results With WebRanking

At WebRanking, every move we make within your marketing campaign is driven by data. Using Microsoft’s analytics dashboard and our industry experience, we keep an eye on your campaigns and make quick decisions based on ad success. We won’t spend your investment on ads that don’t work. Your bottom line is safe with us.

Take Advantage of Microsoft Ads Today With WebRanking

Paid advertising can take your business to the next level. Get started with Microsoft Ads today with WebRanking. Give us a call today!