Case Studies

SEO Case Study: Balance Hormone Center

WebRanking Client

Since 2015 to Current Day


Local Healthcare


Balance Hormone Center is a medical practice that specializes in hormone replacement therapy for men and women in Gilbert, Arizona.

When Dr. Cafaro approached WebRanking about a digital marketing campaign, he had a new practice, a new website and a brand-new office. While he didn’t have any past online or offline marketing experience for this new practice, he did know that he wanted his website to be the focus of his marketing efforts and for it to attract high quality leads for his business.

Q4 Year 1 » Q1 Year 2


4th Quarter vs. 1st Quarter (Year 1):
915% Increase in Lead Conversions


The objective of the Balance Hormone SEO campaign was to generate phone calls and appointment requests from potential customers in the greater Gilbert, Arizona metro area through organic listings.

This was to be accomplished through a comprehensive Search Engine Optimization campaign that would generate first page organic exposure for the keywords that potential customers are using to search for the hormone replacement therapy services offered by Balance Hormone Center.


As the Balance Hormone Therapy website was brand new when we first began working with Dr. Cafaro on his SEO campaign, we knew it would take time to generate meaningful results. We were starting from scratch with a website that had no online tenure, was without any type of onsite optimization, had thin content and lacked inbound links and citations.

We were also working in a location that had several established competitors online that a significant head start on their SEO strategy.

Brian Cafaro, MD – Balance Hormone Center

“I run a medical practice and was looking to gain new clients for my business and was referred to WebRanking by my website designer. I couldn’t be happier with Chris and Paul, who helped me with SEO and continued website enhancement.”


Foundation: SEO Campaign

As this was a brand-new website, our initial strategy was to conduct in-depth keyword research to determine how potential customers were searching online for hormone replacement therapy services. We then provided keyword focused SEO for the pages currently on the site and conduct an in-depth technical SEO and content audit.

Building Authority Through Links, Citations and Expanded Content

Once the initial foundation of the campaign was in place, we turned our attention to building links and citations for the site. As the site did not have any online tenure, it had no inbound links or citations, so it was critical that our initial efforts produced clean, organic and quality inbound links and citations.

We also used our keyword research to identify multiple content pages that needed to be created and optimized for different types of services offered by Balance Hormone Centers.


As the focus of the site was to produce a steady stream of quality leads, we implemented proven conversion rate optimization strategies within the design of the site. We also fixed technical issues discovered during our technical audit with the goal of increasing the overall speed of the site and to create a better all-around user experience.

The Results

Since we started the campaign in August of 2015, we’ve seen a steady growth in both organic traffic and leads.

Looking at our year over year results, we’ve seen the following year over year increases in organic lead conversions:

Q4 Year 1 » Q1 Year 2


4th Quarter vs. 1st Quarter (Year 1):
915% Increase in Lead Conversions

Year 1 » Year 2


First Year vs Second Year:
157% Increase in Lead Conversions

Year 2 » Year 3


Second Year vs Third Year:
122% Increase in Lead Conversions

During this time, we have also seen the following year over year increases in organic search traffic:

Q4 Year 1 » Q1 Year 2


4th Quarter vs. 1st Quarter (Year 1):
642% Increase in Organic Traffic

Year 1 » Year 2


First Year vs Second Year:
189% Increase in Organic Traffic

Year 2 » Year 3


Second Year vs Third Year:
195% Increase in Organic Traffic

This campaign is the perfect example of how a long term commitment to an SEO program that is content focused, and based on solid keyword research will continue to drive traffic and leads over time. We are thankful to Dr. Cafaro for his trust and his patience; a successful campaign requires a partnership between the digital marketing agency and the client.

Balance Hormone Center provides top notch care for their patients, has an increadible patient retention rate and according to Brian this past month “was our best month to date, by far”.

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